
Showing posts from January, 2010

No URL showing in GWT 2.0 Development mode

I've had some problems starting GWT 2.0 projects in Eclipse with the build-in Jetty server. The problem was that no URL was showing in the Development Mode tab, and the project didn't seem to start properly. This problem only occures when i generate project files with the maven-eclipse-plugin. Both in Linux and Windows. To fix the problem, add the project natures by hand to the maven-eclipse-plugin configuration. This is what my configuration looks like: maven-eclipse-plugin org.eclipse.jdt.launching.JRE_CONTAINER If you find something that isn't necessary please reply to this post.

"Statistics" for QuakeLive

At work we're using GWT for a couple of projects now but we have never used the  MVP pattern  recommended by Google. So to learn it i wrote a small application called Quake Statistics that uses the recomendations. The app pulls data from  each night and can plot the it along with some very basic analysis. It's actually motivation to see if you're getting better at the game. Of course this was also an excuse to get to play quakelive more, to test the stats :) The application can be accessed at  and if you want to play around with some example data you can try my profile . Since i don't have that many users the page can be a bit slow because AppEngine have to restart after 1 min idle time. Yes, i know. The design desperately need some (a lot of) improvements but unfortunately i'm a programmer not a designer. Right now I am in the process of rewriting the app for GWT 2.0 so if you want to help ...