Mask - the liero clone
Finally I've rewritten my little engine so that it is in a presentable state. The list of things I've tried and changed is huge but in the end it turned out pretty stable. It's gonna take a while to transform this preview into a real game though and i'm not sure i'm up for it actually. This feels like a release to me because it's playable :) Anyway what i need to do is roughly: Add a menu for game setup and changing controls Adding more weapons Adding powerups Implement some kind of sound support Get new graphics Controls Here are the controls for both players. I just realized that the keys might be placed very tight. I'm using a split natural keyboard so it works for me. Action Player 1 Player 2 Walk D,G,R,F Left, Right, U, Down Change Weapon Q Y Jump W U Shoot S J Ninja Rope Q+W Y+U Digg Hold one direction and tap the other You can also try experimenting with the mouse to add/remove ground and add particles. Applet If you're lik...