jsTagCloud - JS canvas 3D tag cloud

jsTagCloud is a tag cloud plugin for jQuery. It uses the canvas element to render a 3d cloud that can be rotated with the mouse. It's made as a proof of concept, but it would be great if this someday evolved into a Wordpress plugin. So far i've only been able to test it in these browsers:
  • Firefox/3.0.10 - Ubuntu 9.04 x64
  • yes, only one

The tags in the demo is from this page and they should be clickable as well. The configuration of the plugin should be pretty obvious if you take a look at the source of demo.html.


  • It's made as a jQuery plugin.
  • Navigate the 3d cloud with the mouse pointer
  • Clickable links
  • I just wanted more than 3 items on my feature list :)

Download and demo

The source can be found at:
And a demo can be found at:


q: Why is the text size jumping?
a: Because i couldn't find any way to scale strings between integer font sizes
q: Can the tags be ordered by the number of items using them, just like in the cloud to the right?
a: No, everything is placed on a unit sphere with the help of our friendly PRN-generator.
q: The selection seems to be off, what's up with that?
a: Yes, sometimes the selection is a bit off. Don't really know why right now.


mpapis said…
Why this cloud is so slow, it has eaten both cores of my dual core CPU and still was very slow, almost 1pixel per second.
erik said…
Unfortunately I haven't had the time to test this on any other system than my own. But on my machine it takes almost 0% CPU. What browser are you using?
[...] roaming around on internet, I found this really cool jQuery plugin jsTagCloud that generates 3D tag cloud!! The result is [...]
Polski Sklep said…
I have got the very same issue. Both cores of my CPU are 100% used :(
mpapis said…
I use Firefox 3.0.11 on Linux openSuSE 11.0
Air Jordan said…
What a great blog! It is a pity that I can not find RRS address. If RRS offers a subscription service, I can easily follow your blog!
Air Jordan said…
What a great blog! It is a pity that I can not find RRS address. If RRS offers a subscription service, I can easily follow your blog!
herana said…
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Do you have a working copy??
Erik said…
Sorry this is a 2 year old post, I don't really recommend using the cloud for anything other than looking at the code actually. Cheers

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